江苏英睿合金科技有限公司Jiangsu Inray Alloy Technology Co.,Ltd.

展位号 Booth No. B60

公司介绍Company Profile

Jiangsu Yingrui Alloy Technology Co., Ltd. is located in a metal distribution center, famous for stainless steel materials —— Wuxi, Jiangsu. The company mainly engaged in domestic nickel-based alloy wide plate, wide steel strip, through independent research and development and domestic high-quality production resources integration, the domestic nickel-based alloy steel strip width from 220mm for many years to 530mm,2.0-5.0mm plate from 1000mm to 1500mm wide, filling the domestic gap, solve the problem of material jam in many domestic manufacturing industries.

江苏英睿合金科技有限公司坐落在一座以不锈钢材料闻名全球的金属集散地——江苏•无锡。公司主要经营国产镍基合金宽幅平板、宽幅钢带,通过自主研发与国内优质生产资源整合,成功将国产镍基合金钢带宽度由保持多年的220mm 提升至530mm,2.0-5.0mm 平板由1000mm 提升到1500mm 宽,填补了国内空白,解决国内多个制造行业材料卡脖子问题。

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